We share market insights, concepts, methods and easy-to-use tools

Reports and books for sale

The French Pharma Market 2022-2027 (2023)

The French Pharma Market 2022-2027 (2023)

“2022-2027 French Pharma Market” report provides a presentation of the French healthcare system and of the latest measure...

The French Generics Market 2017-2022 prospects (2018)

The French Generics Market 2017-2022 prospects (2018)

“The French Generics Market 2017-2022 prospects” report provides a documented, detailed and robust analysis of the French...

Drug Value & Market Access Optimization (2016)

Drug Value & Market Access Optimization (2016)

The “Drug Value & Market Access Optimization” report has been designed as a working tool to help pharmaceutical compa...

Pharma Marketing Tool Box (2016)

Pharma Marketing Tool Box (2016)

The “Pharma Marketing Tool Box” provides a clear, precise and concise review of the key concepts most relevant and useful...

Articles in open access

Jean-Michel Peny, President of Smart Pharma Consulting, has published 44 articles in national and international specialized journals, addressing key business issues related to the healthcare market

Position papers in open access

The position papers published by Smart Pharma Consulting have in common to address key topics regarding strategy, management and organization, with a special focus on the healthcare and pharmaceutical markets