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The Evolution of the global pharma industry
Working with the authorities
Drug reimbursement harmonisation in Europe
Changes at the French pharmacy
Survival strategies in contract sales organizations
Disease management opportunities in France
Optimisez votre marque personnelle
La visite médicale haute performance
How customer-centricity can increase brand preference?
Talking up sales
The brave new world of corporate marketing
Counting the cost of purchasing
Heading for change: marketing and sales trends in France
Les médicaments en libre accès : la grande illusion
Le switch : solution ou danger ?
Des stratégies opposées pour les « big pharma »
Automédication : Quel attrait pour le marché mondial ?
Should big pharma sell their OTC business?
Thin pickings in dietary supplements
How bright are the prospects for self-medication in France?
Assessing the OTC market in France
What future for the French retail generic market?
Les génériques, ce n’est plus automatique
Quelles perspectives pour les génériques?
Princeps-génériques: faut-il pactiser avec l’ennemi?
What is the value of authorized generic agreements?
Barriers to substitution
How bright is the future for generics?
Lighting fire from wet timber in French generics market
Can generics really help to curb French healthcare costs
Is the sun rising for Japanese generics?
Entering the French retail generics market
La réputation d’entreprise – Un nouvel enjeu stratégique
Le BPS, pour la ”justesse de voix”
Les marques sont-elles condamnées à mourir ?
Nosocomial Rotavirus infection in European countries
Financial requirements of immunisation programmes in developing countries: 2004-2014 perspective
The end of the back-up brands?
Making the most of maturity
Winning strategies in the French hospital market